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Location of Photographs in this Section
The letters in parenthesis, i.e. (B), in the following text refer back to this map.
(Click on a letter on this map to see a representative photograph.)
Sheridan's plan worked to perfection. Fitz Lee met Merritt's advance about 0.75
miles north of Todd's Tavern, but when Gregg appeared on his flank, at Piney
Branch Church, he abandoned the crossroads and retreated down the Brock Road
toward Spotsylvania.

Lee Retreats
Gregg occupied Todd's Tavern about noon then pushed on to
Corbin's Bridge. A mile west of the tavern he ran into Brigadier General Thomas
L. Rosser, who commanded a Confederate cavalry brigade in Major General Wade
Hampton's division. With Federal repeating rifles blazing away and supported by
the fire of two cannon, Gregg forced Rosser's brigade back to Corbin's Bridge. He
later withdrew to the tavern when two other brigades of Hampton's division came
to Rosser's support.

Gregg's Action
Merritt meanwhile pursued Fitz Lee down the Brock Road toward Spotsylvania. Two
miles south of Todd's Tavern, at the junction of the Piney Branch Road, Lee halted
and threw up logworks.

Junction of the Brock Road, coming from the northwest, (left)
and the southern end of Piney Branch Road (right) - 2005
Merritt attacked him there in the late afternoon on the
Brock Road, while Brigadier General Henry E. Davies's brigade of Gregg's division
advanced against Lee's right via the Piney Branch Road from the Catharpin Road.

Junction of the Catharpin Road, heading south
with the northern end of Piney Branch Road (left) - 2005   (E)
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Civil War Photos
Todds Tavern
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