
Inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, March 4, 1861
[ Photograph shows participants and crowd at the first inauguration of
President Abraham Lincoln, at the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. Lincoln is
standing under the wood canopy, at the front, midway between the left and center
posts. His face is in shadow but the white shirt front is visible. (Source:
Ostendorf, p. 87)
"A distant photograph from a special platform by an unknown photographer, in
front of the Capitol, Washington, D.C., afternoon of March 4, 1861. 'A small
camera was directly in front of Mr. Lincoln,' reported a newspaper, 'another
at a distance of a hundred yards, and a third of huge dimensions on the right ...
The three photographers present had plenty of time to take pictures, yet only
the distant views have survived." (Source: Ostendorf, p. 86-87) ]

Mary Todd Lincoln
1818 - 1882

President Lincoln, Allan Pinkerton, and Major General John A. McClernand,
ca. 1860 - ca. 1865

Maryland, Antietam, President Lincoln on the Battlefield, 10/1862.
General McClellan is sixth from the left facing Lincoln.

Crowd of citizens and soldiers with Lincoln at Gettysburg.
ca. 1860 - ca. 1865.
In 1952, Josephine Cobb, Chief of the Still Pictures Branch, National
Archives, was able to recognize Lincoln in a detail made from this photograph.
(See Below)

Lincoln at Gettysburg - Detail
Lincoln is pictured in the center of the platform, hatless with his bodyguard,
Ward Lamon, and Governor Andrew Curtin of Pennsylvania. Lincoln's private
secretaries, John Hay and John Nicolay, orator Edward Everett, and Gettysburg
attorney and organizer David Wills may be among those near the president.

President and Mrs. Truman, with Adelaide Johnson
(in wheelchair), a 104-year-old Washington artist and sculptress who was
personally acquainted with President Lincoln, during ceremonies at the Lincoln
Memorial commemorating Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1951.